Trusted, Bespoke, Personal Financial Advice

Hi, I’m Richard Hesketh and I provide reliable and affordable bespoke personal financial advice to a diverse range of clients.

Whether you’re looking to invest or simply get your pensions in shape, I can help you navigate the complexities of the financial marketplace and provide practical advice on the best ways to maximise and protect your wealth.

I have over two decades of experience in financial services and as a Chartered Financial Planner and a Fellow of the Personal Finance Society, I am dedicated to the highest levels of learning so that I can give the very best advice to my clients.

I offer advice about...

Tax and Estate Planning
Lifetime Cashflow Planning


Ensuring your money works hard for you can be difficult. You can be faced with a bewildering array of choices, and there are other considerations: ‘What investment vehicle should I use?’ ‘Does it align with my tax status?’

At Hesketh Financial Planning, through listening to your needs, and through meticulous research on the funds and products out there, we can find the options that are suitable for you.

We have experience in advising on all manner of investment products; and because we’re independent, we examine the whole of the market and are not limited in the plans we recommend.



Most of us want a retirement, where we can afford to keep doing many of the activities that we enjoy. Building a retirement pot that will take care of your needs requires careful planning, and getting the right pension advice as early as possible can increase the likelihood that your retirement will be a comfortable one.

We advise on all manner of pension wrappers, from personal pensions, to selecting SIPPS and SSASs where circumstances warrant them.



As 2020 has shown, Life can be very unpredictable. Ensuring you have the right life and critical illness cover in place can be vital in protecting the financial security of your family.

If you run a business, you may wish to consider ensuring you have sufficient protection in place should anything befall key employees, your fellow directors or shareholders.

We can advise on all forms of protection: life assurance, critical illness, business protection, mortgage cover; and from all providers.


Tax and Estate Planning

A key goal for many people is to pass on as much of their accumulated wealth to their loved ones as possible.

Legislation on Inheritance Tax and Pensions is constantly changing, and being on the right side of those changes, so that you don’t proffer more in taxes than you need to, is often a case of careful planning.

We have significant experience in dealing with family wealth, reviewing and reorganising people’s affairs to maximise the amount that can be passed on to their families.

We can also advise on investment products that are aligned to these objectives.


Lifetime Cashflow Planning

Setting financial goals, be it retirement or university fees, usually requires a plan. Sitting down and plotting those assets, your income and expenditure and projecting forward will usually increase the likelihood of those objectives being met.

We are experienced I advising in goal setting and working with clients to ensure those goals are met.

We have access to powerful software that can produce a lifetime cashflow and can demonstrate clearly what course of action is required.


How I work

Step 1 : Discover
First I’ll take the time to listen and gain an understanding of your individual needs.
Step 2 : Estimate
I’ll provide you with an estimated cost which fairly reflects the amount of work involved.
Step 3 : Plan
Once we agree on a fee,I’ll develop a bespoke financial plan to meet your needs.
Step 4 : Discuss
I’ll talk you through the proposed plan and answer any questions you might have.
Step 5 : Implement
I will help you implement your plan and be on hand to ensure every detail is attended to.
Step 6 : Review & Revise
I’ll regularly review the results of your plan and help you make any necessary adjustments.

What my clients think...

"Richard is the consummate professional who cares about all his clients and only wants the very best for them. His advice is always honest which, for me, is of paramount importance and much appreciated. His knowledge of all things financial is vast but always explained in terms that are easily understood.

Every six months Richard provides a detailed valuation report which is reinforced with a meeting. In the interim he's always available to provide a sounding board or just give advice, or re-assurance, on a proposed expenditure.

I trust Richard implicitly and have no hesitation in recommending him as a Financial Advisor. "

Mrs. W, Client since 2008

"Richard has been our financial adviser for many years. He is professional and well informed as well as being a considerate family man with a world view like our own.

We have got to know him reasonably well over the years and I have had no hesitation in asking him to advise my parents and other family members.

He takes time to explain and discuss things clearly with us and always answers any queries or issues we may have promptly. Nothing is too much trouble for him and we have been very happy with the positive financial consequences. "

Mr. W, Client since 2003

"Richard has represented the family as a Financial Advisor for a number of years. We have found him to be very professional with an approachable and friendly manner. His advice on all fiscal matters has been spot on, the returns on investments have been very good and he is certainly a man to trust. I would recommend his services without hesitation. "

Mr. A, Family client since 2007

"Richard Hesketh has been our financial advisor for some twelve years now and in that time we have always found his advice to be prompt and sound. He is very dependable, amenable and approachable.
He deserves to do well, we wish him every success in his new venture and hope he will continue to look after our investment. "

Mr. + Mrs. M, Family client since 2009

"We are very impressed by the personal attention and service we have received over numerous years.
Richard expertly advises us on our investments and future savings plans to fit with our preferred personal profiles and has consolidated our diverse portfolio to enhance its effectiveness.

Richard is very personable and always available between annual reviews for promptly answering questions, queries and explaining investments. "

Mr. + Mrs. T, Clients since 2008

"Richard takes the time to really get to know his clients so that he can construct a portfolio that fully reflects their attitude to risk and ethical matters .

His knowledge is extensive and current and his recommendations have always proved to be sound investments. I trust him implicitly. "

Mrs. H, Client since 2007